8 Whatsapp Trick That Every User Should Know!

For most of us, WhatsApp has become the default messenger, because everyone's on it, and it's on nearly every platform. WhatsApp has over a billion downloads on Google Play alone, the only other messenger to boast that is Facebook Messenger.

For those who have to deal with the app on a daily basis, we've listed up some interesting tricks and tweaks that will improve your user-experience.

1. Mute group chats and notifications.

Groups are best way to interact with our friends but sometimes Group chat notifications can get noisy, they're best turned off when you have to focus on a task at hand.

On a group chat, tap the Menu button, and hit Mute. Then, choose the time for which you would like the group to be muted. You can also disable notifications.

On iPhone

Open Group Chat, tap the group subject to reveal the Group Info screen, and tap Mute. Now, select how long you'd like notifications to be muted.

2. Find out who has read your message in a WhatsApp group

On Android

Do a long press on a message sent by you. This reveals an 'i' with a circle around it. Tapping on it will show you who the message was delivered to, and read by.

On iPhone

See the Message Info screen by opening a chat with a contact or a group, then swiping your message from the left to right to see delivery and read notifications.

3. Disable media to save on cellular bandwidth

WhatsApp lets you specify what you would like downloaded on mobile data and when connected to Wi-Fi.

On Android

Go to Settings, Chat Settings, Media Auto-Download to specify when you want images, audio and videos to be downloaded to your phone.

On iPhone

Go to WhatsApp Settings > Chat Settings > Media Auto-Download.

This new feature recently added to WhatsApp Web lets you tap on your avatar on the left hand corner, to change your profile photo with a laptop camera or webcam, or a photo on your drive. The feature also works with groups that you are an admin of.

5. Disable Last Seen and Read Receipts aka blue ticks

By default, WhatsApp lets everyone know the last time you used the app. Your last seen timestamp, profile photo and status message can be toggled between 'Everyone', 'My contacts', and 'Nobody' in Settings > Account > Privacy on both iPhone and Android.

Read Receipts, notified by those Blue Ticks can seem too obsessive and creepy. You can disable them too, but that also means you won't be able to see read receipts from other people.

6. Use WhatsApp Web if you're an iPhone user

Apple users cannot use WhatsApp Web on their phone without jail-breaking the iPhone, but once you're past that, this jailbreak tweak on the BigBoss Repo on Cydia enables you to use WhatsApp Web on your PC browser.

7. Migrate to a new number

If you've changed your SIM card, there's a way to import your account information, groups and settings. Keep in mind that your old number will be deleted. Make sure that your new SIM is active and able to receive SMSes and calls.

On Android

Tap on Menu > Settings > Account > Change Number and enter the old phone number in the first box, followed by the new number in the second one.

On iPhone

Go to Settings > Account > Change Number, Enter your old phone number in the first box, and your new phone number in the second box.

8. Explore hotspots around you

Tap on the Send location icon in the attachment pane to explore interesting hotspots around you. The map is a mash-up of FourSquare check-ins of places around you. You'll find everything from local tech start ups to restaurants, marked as blue dots.

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