To do so, start by selecting / highlighting the text, and then go to the Home tab, Font group. Locate the drop-down arrow to the right of the Change Case icon (the one with a capital letter “A” and a lower-case letter “a” side by side) and click it, then choose one of five different cases. The cases you can apply are:
Sentence case. – Only the first word of each sentence is capitalized. This format assumes that there is at least one period somewhere within the text you’ve selected / highlighted.
lower case – Does not capitalize any text, regardless of punctuation.
UPPER CASE – Capitalizes all text, regardless of punctuation.
Capitalize Each Word – This format is sometimes referred to as Initial Caps. When you use this format, Word capitalizes every word, even “the,” “and,” “of,” and the like. (By contrast, WordPerfect’s Initial Caps format does not capitalize those “helper” or transitional words.)
tOGGLE CASE – You can apply this format to fix things in the event that you accidentally turn on the Caps Lock key at the wrong time. (Does anyone actually use this case??)
As I mentioned in my earlier post, you also have the option of using a keyboard shortcut to change case. First, select / highlight the text, and then press Shift F3. (Hold the Shift key down and tap the F3 function key.) Keep pressing Shift F3 to cycle through the available cases.
Note that you will have fewer choices with the keyboard shortcut than with the Change Case icon in the Font group on the Home tab. Typically, the choices available with the keyboard shortcut are limited to UPPER CASE, lower case, and either Sentence case (if the selected text includes a period) or Capitalize Each Word (if the selected text does not include a period).
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